My Scroll Saw Projects
TM Related Links
and Resources
Creative Woodworks and Crafts magazine
This site is a great source for original scroll saw and intarsia
patterns, as well as many other kinds of small woodworking projects,
including tips & techniques for working smarter & safer. |
Fox Chapel Publishing
Hardwood Information Center
This site is a great resource for details on American hardwood
species, sustainable forestry, and a glossary of hardwood terms. |
Rick Hutcheson’s Scrollsaw Information
Scrollsaw Association of the World
This is the site to go if you are interested in Fretwork, Marquetry,
or Intarsia; whether you work in wood, or other mediums; whether you
design your own patterns or use available patterns; no matter what
brand of scroll saw you use; no matter where in the world you are
located. Join with Scrollers World Wide. This site contains a
wealth of in information about publications, events, scrolling tips,
resources and programs, etc. |
Scroll saw fretwork patterns |
Scroll saw fretwork patterns, tutorials, shopping recommendations
and other interesting content for the scroll saw enthusiast. |
Scroll Saw Woodworking & Crafts magazine |
This site is your leading online resource for inspiration and
instruction, including tips and techniques, free scroll saw
patterns, scroll saw books, product reviews, scroll saw message
boards, photo galleries, contests, and much more! |
Wood Box |
This is the place to learn about woodworking software and locate
woodworking reference information. There is a wealth of general
information about woodworking elsewhere on |
Barnes #2 Scroll Saw image used with permission of
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