My Scroll Saw Projects. Serious Software for Serious Scrollers.


My Scroll Saw ProjectsTM Frequently Asked Questions:

Q:       Why can’t I see all of the application on the screen?  Some of the images and text appear to be cut off as well.  (I am running Windows XP.)

 A:        The primary cause of this problem is the DPI setting on your Display settings.  Right-click on your Desktop and click on Properties.  Click on the Settings tab.  (The recommended Screen Resolution for these applications is 1024 x 768 pixels.)
More importantly, check your DPI settings.  On the Settings Tab click on Advanced.  On the Advanced window, click on the General tab.  If your DPI setting is set to Large size (120DPI) that is most likely the cause.  Reset the DPI setting to Normal size (96DPI).  That should resolve the problem.








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